“A good cook knows that it's not what's on the table that matters, it's who is in the chairs.”

Monday, January 31, 2011

Greek Chicken

From Fix it and forget it

The information below is halved from the book.  There is only two of us in our house, and since  I am making BBQ chicken tomorrow, I used 1/2 the chicken for today and 1/2 tomorrow.
Makes 2-3 servings
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 5-10 hours
Ideal slow cooker size: 6 quart


2-3 potatoes, quartered
1/2 chicken cut up
2 small onions, quartered
1 whole bulb garlic, minced
3 teaspoons of dried oregano (or 3 tablespoons of fresh oregano)
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper

I skinned all the chicken pieces except the wing (that's just too much work!) I wouldn't do that again, it was kind of dry!

Place potatoes in bottom of slow cooker.
Add chicken onions and garlic.
Sprinkle with seasonings and top with oil.
Cover and cook on high for 5-6 hours or on low for 9-10 hours.